About us

why we started

Our health and well being is often the price we pay for our urban fast-paced lifestyle. While it affects all of us, it is worrisome to see the effects on children and the quality of their life after school hours. Within the confines of our nuclear households, more and more children are getting drawn into the fantastically attractive but extremely unhealthy world of screens. There is a high environmental, economic and cultural cost of the easily acquired and quickly discarded plastic toys that are made in China. There is a lack of children-friendly public places. Children’s outings are limited largely to places that trap our kids in a cycle of instant gratification and consumption from a young age.

our mission

Our mission is to create joyful experiences for children by nurturing their imagination and encouraging them to be creators rather than consumers.

our aim

Our aim is to reconnect children with our roots through a combination of interesting and environmentally conscious activities for kids. These include storytelling, puppet shows, fun science experiments, arts and crafts, painting, handicrafts, clay modelling, recycling, gardening, reading, rhythm, movement, song and self-directed play. Together we explore the wonders of nature and science around us.

Our Values

Love For Nature

Work in support of the child’s natural faith in the world to be an interesting and beautiful place to be in.

Instill in children a sense of reverence and protection towards the earth and nature through active recycling and the use of  materials that are natural or reusable. 


Encourage children to create rather than to consume. Nurture children’s senses through connecting them in interesting ways with the arts and with nature. Involve children in Indian handicrafts and promote our own traditions rather than the rampant consumption of plastic Chinese toys.


To trigger and enable the free flow of imagination with thoughtfully curated activities and materials.

Offer parents the opportunity to emotionally connect with their children in a beautiful imaginative environment.



Freedom to come in and leave anytime during working hours. Respect for the child as an independent being. Help the unfolding of the child’s inborn powers rather than overwhelming them with adult information or excessive instruction. Acceptance of all that the child creates, including their mistakes, with the understanding that a child is an artist by birth.


To trigger and enable the free flow of imagination with thoughtfully curated activities and materials.

Offer parents the opportunity to emotionally connect with their children in a beautiful imaginative environment.



Freedom to come in and leave anytime during working hours. Respect for the child as an independent being. Help the unfolding of the child’s inborn powers rather than overwhelming them with adult information or excessive instruction. Acceptance of all that the child creates, including their mistakes, with the understanding that a child is an artist by birth.

The Problems We Are Looking To Address

for parents

  • The lack of options by way of children-friendly public spaces to take our children to

  • Limited creative energy and bandwidth: The stresses of our urban lifestyles leave us with limited creative bandwidth to engage our children

for children

  • Addiction to screens in order to fill the void due to lack of the right kind of engagement

  • Gradual disconnection from many parts of life, including a decline in their ability to relate with people

  • Growing sense of entitlement and a decline in respect for objects like toys as they are easily acquired and quickly discarded

  • Diminishing natural creativity

Cultural and Environmental Impact

Re-introduce the fading traditions of storytelling and Indian handicraft

Create sensitivity, appreciation, and involvement amongst children towards handicraft

Wean children away from plastic toys and create reverence for the earth through recycling and creating using natural materials

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Joyful Experiences For Kids

Benefits for Children

Nurture their imagination and natural creativity

Help them relax without a sense of compulsion, fear or competition

Develop their will to work, create and concentrate

Nurture and protect their senses

Develop their aesthetic sense

Reinforce their identification with nature

Help them to look with love at each other, nature and things

Enable their self expression

Develop their confidence, independence, persistence